ChatGPT will kill off the Romantic genius

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  1. Rie Kudan’s Bold Revelation: Rie Kudan, a Japanese novelist, shocked the literary world by revealing that a significant portion of her award-winning novel, “The Tokyo Tower of Sympathy,” was written by ChatGPT, an AI model.
  2. Challenges to Traditional Authorship: Kudan’s use of AI challenges traditional notions of authorship, suggesting that the boundaries between human creativity and AI-generated content are becoming increasingly blurred.
  3. Historical Precedents: The article explores historical instances of literary experimentation, such as Dadaism and Oulipo, which employed techniques like randomness and algorithmic constraints, challenging the idea of the solitary, inspired author.
  4. Ethical Considerations: There are ethical concerns regarding the use of AI in literature, particularly regarding the training data and potential copyright violations. However, these issues are distinct from purely literary considerations.
  5. Intertextuality and Human Creativity: The article raises questions about the nature of human creativity, suggesting that every author is, in a sense, a product of their literary influences and cultural context, akin to a “meat-brained ChatGPT.”


I find the exploration of the evolving relationship between human creativity and AI in literature both fascinating and inevitable. While traditionalists may view the integration of AI in the creative process as a threat to the sanctity of authorship, it’s crucial to recognize that artistic expression has always been influenced by external factors, be it cultural movements, literary predecessors, or, in this case, technological advancements. The use of AI introduces new possibilities for creativity and challenges us to reconsider what it means to be an author in the digital age.


  1. While the article highlights the historical precedent of literary experimentation and challenges to traditional authorship, it also acknowledges the ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI, suggesting a tension between artistic freedom and ethical responsibility.
  2. The discussion of intertextuality and the notion that every text is built upon other texts contradicts the idea of the solitary, inspired author, yet the article still seems to uphold the romantic ideal of human creativity as distinct from AI-generated content.
  3. Despite emphasizing the influence of external factors on literary creation, the article seems to maintain a somewhat romanticized view of human creativity, implying a fundamental difference between human authors and AI, despite acknowledging the potential blurring of boundaries.

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